Custom query (1091 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 1091)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#976 wontfix Incomplete description on file doc/en/overview/52nWPS_overview.rst live-demo@… thomasg

Line 52, "A browser based client" is alone I was expecting a list after with the context

Feel free to close the ticket if I'm wrong

#1974 fixed Unused welcome_message.txt ? live-demo@… thomasg

Doing the French translation, we've seen welcome_message.txt file but doing a grep it seems unused.

Can you confirm? If yes, I think we should remove it.

#2047 fixed Upgrade deegree from 3.3.20 to 3.4 live-demo@… Tfr42

For the next OSGeoLive Release we plan to upgrade deegree from 3.3.20 to 3.4 version. The deegree 3.4 version requires at least Java SE 8.

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