Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1094 duplicate pgRouting fails to load correctly darkblueb darkblueb

attempted a patch with legacy.sql in rev9820 however, database pgrouting, table ways shows NULL values in all source and target columns. Exercising the quickstart call shortest_path() fails.

#1097 duplicate translate navigation bar live-demo@… hamish


we need to extract the navigation bar text:

Home Contents Standards Download Contact Us Sponsors

to a header_include.rst file so they can be translated instead of locked into english. (somehow.. that part is auto-built)


#1145 duplicate Remove privative libraries from Kosmo Desktop package sbcalvo sbcalvo

As pointed by Angelos Tzotsos, MrSid and ECW libraries are not redistributable. They have to be removed from Kosmo Desktop distribution package.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.