Custom query (1091 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#788 fixed 5.0 rc5 hand fixes to make release wildintellect wildintellect

This is just to document the fixes we made after building 5rc5. We made a script to do it and committed all needed resources to svn. Procedure:

  • svn up ~/gisvm on a VM (not a copy of iso)
  • download this script to gismv/bin
  • run this script
  • redo VM packaging and iso building
#945 fixed Blueman-applet crashes on desktop load kalxas wildintellect

The bluetooth applet blueman is crashing when the desktop starts up. It creates a crash report which makes us look bad, we should figure out how to remove the blueman-applet from the toolbar.

The remove

apt-get remove blueman
#952 fixed Sphinx make duplicates image files live-demo@… wildintellect

Sphinx appears to be duplicating each image for each translation. So we end up with 8 copies of every screenshot, for ~400MB too much.

Look in /var/www/_images/ on a recent 6.0 beta iso.

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