Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1761 fixed Xenial version of usb-creator fails to create a live usb key live-demo@… kalxas

During our rc1 testing we realized that the live usb keys created with usb-creator 0.3.2 from an Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial host are unusable.

When trying to boot from the resulting usb, an "operating system missing" error occurs.

I have reported this issue upstream:

#2428 fixed xarray io for netCDF osgeolive@… darkblueb

some sample code shows xarray.open_dataset() yet it is not installed

xarray optional dependencies are described here:

#1149 fixed WSGI Apps preferred conf live-demo@… darkblueb

Python WSGI apps have to share resources on the Live. This ticket is just a reminder for best practices while things are tuned. At the time of writing, EOxServer has the following settings, which appear to be appropriate for the Live:

    processes=5 threads=1
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