Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2188 fixed Update the MapSlicer Quickstart osgeolive@… flicstar

The MapSlicer Quick Start was reviewed by @flicstar as part of the Google Season of Docs in October 2019.

It scored 1.5 out of possible 4. The high level results of this review are that:

It is missing the Next Steps section and and requires some structural changes and updates to language.

Please see comments in GitHub on this PR: ​

#2197 fixed Update the mapserver project Quickstart osgeolive@… flicstar

The mapserver project Quick Start was reviewed by @flicstar as part of the Google Season of Docs in October 2019.

It scored 3 out of possible 4. It requires only minor changes.

Please see comments in GitHub on this PR: ​

#2225 fixed Update the map proxy Quickstart osgeolive@… flicstar

The map proxy Quickstart was reviewed by @flicstar as part of the Google Season of Docs in October 2019.

It scored 3.5 out of possible 4. It requires only minor changes.

Please see comments in GitHub on this PR: ​

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