Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2204 fixed Update the openCPN Quickstart osgeolive@… flicstar

The openCPN Quick Start was reviewed by @flicstar as part of the Google Season of Docs in October 2019.

It scored 1 out of possible 4.

Please see comments in GitHub on this PR: ​

#2206 fixed Update the ncWMS Quickstart osgeolive@… flicstar

The ncWMS Quick Start was reviewed by @flicstar as part of the Google Season of Docs in October 2019.

It scored 1 out of possible 4. The structure is okay, if a bit long. But it lists what you can do, rather than guiding the reader through a specific scenario.

Please see comments in GitHub on this PR: ​

#2226 fixed Update the Marble Quickstart osgeolive@… flicstar

The Marble Quickstart was reviewed by @flicstar as part of the Google Season of Docs in October 2019.

It scored 2 out of possible 4. I added structure, headings and numbered steps.

Please see comments in GitHub on this PR: ​

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