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Results (73 - 75 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2057 fixed Update trac info about OSGeoLive live-demo@… bakaniko

The supervisor mail is the old mailing list

Supervisor : live-demo@…

It should be osgeolive@…

Plus component is still LiveDVD, maybe we can change it to OSGeoLive.

#1396 fixed Update Tomcat to 7/8 live-demo@… nuest

An update to Tomcat 7 would allow to install webapps using Servlet Spec 3.x (for details see

Depending on the projects that actually use the pre-installed Tomcat, one could even jump to Tomcat 8 which requieres Java 7 or later.

Background: We're considering changing dependencies for the 52°North WPS that would result in requiring Tomcat 7 instead of 6. Alternatively we could ship the WPS with it's own servlet container, but that's just taking away disc space from more interesting stuff.

#2316 fixed update to libgeos osgeolive@… darkblueb
commit 1b2f4bd3e19001c37846687c765595aa8c28b90f
Author: Paul Ramsey <>
Date:   Wed Feb 10 10:51:54 2021 -0800

    Update NEWS for 3.9.1

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