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Results (217 - 219 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2147 fixed Documentation version number points to 12.0 osgeolive@… kalxas

While the VERSION.txt is pointing to 13.0alpha, the documentation build from master still points to 12.0:

Where do we actually set the version number in the docs?

#1699 fixed downgrade osgEarth to 2.5 live-demo@… kalxas

Thanks Bas for reporting to mailing list:

QGIS upstream has recently disabled the globle plugin when built with
osgEarth 2.7 [0] because the initial changes were not sufficient to
support anything newer that 2.5 [1]. Proper support for 2.7 has been
merged recently too [2], but has not been backported to 2.14 LTR.

Assuming you want to stick to QGIS 2.14 for OSGeo-Live 10.0, and want to
have a working globe plugin in QGIS, downgrading the osgearth package in
the nightly PPA to 2.5 is needed. You cannot rely on the 2.5 package in
xenial because it needs to be rebuilt with GDAL 2.1.0 in the nightly PPA.

#2237 fixed Download and save translated strings cvvergara cvvergara

Download from transifex all translated strings We have 28 languages: from those: 8 languages have no work done 12 have more than 30% work done 8 have less than 30% work done

Before switching back to the changes flicstar made, we need a safe place to store the work done from the translators with the documentation up to version 13.0.0

  • In case of any mishap with transifex we have the translations

Made the Milestone to live up to the end of this year.

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