Custom Query (1119 matches)


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Results (211 - 213 of 1119)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1964 wontfix docs missing files in non-english sections live-demo@… darkblueb
OSGeoLive-doc$ for n in ??;do grep fred $n/overview/jts_overview.rst;done
  =>   ca  fr   id  ko   ## no file 

dbb@xdri:/home/shared/OSGEO/OSGeoLive-doc$ for n in ??;do ls $n/overview/ > /tmp/ov_wc_$n.txt;done
dbb@xdri:/home/shared/OSGEO/OSGeoLive-doc$ for n in ??;do ls $n/quickstart/ > /tmp/q_wc_$n.txt;done
dbb@xdri: OSGEO/OSGeoLive-doc$ wc /tmp/*txt
   61    61  1289 /tmp/ov_wc_ca.txt
   76    76  1610 /tmp/ov_wc_de.txt
   68    68  1427 /tmp/ov_wc_el.txt
   77    77  1616 /tmp/ov_wc_en.txt
   73    73  1547 /tmp/ov_wc_es.txt
   65    65  1371 /tmp/ov_wc_fr.txt
   18    18   369 /tmp/ov_wc_hu.txt
    0     0     0 /tmp/ov_wc_id.txt
   71    71  1497 /tmp/ov_wc_it.txt
   56    56  1180 /tmp/ov_wc_ja.txt
   60    60  1270 /tmp/ov_wc_ko.txt
   64    64  1344 /tmp/ov_wc_pl.txt
   68    68  1424 /tmp/ov_wc_ru.txt
   71    71  1496 /tmp/ov_wc_zh.txt
   17    17   399 /tmp/q_wc_ca.txt
   46    46  1082 /tmp/q_wc_de.txt
   65    65  1517 /tmp/q_wc_el.txt
   77    77  1780 /tmp/q_wc_en.txt
   57    57  1342 /tmp/q_wc_es.txt
   11    11   272 /tmp/q_wc_fr.txt
    1     1    20 /tmp/q_wc_hu.txt
    0     0     0 /tmp/q_wc_id.txt
   58    58  1350 /tmp/q_wc_it.txt
   18    18   422 /tmp/q_wc_ja.txt
    3     3    69 /tmp/q_wc_ko.txt
   10    10   253 /tmp/q_wc_pl.txt
   62    62  1464 /tmp/q_wc_ru.txt
   58    58  1356 /tmp/q_wc_zh.txt
 1311  1311 28766 total

#1714 fixed Docs missing from the build live-demo@… kalxas
#891 duplicate docs: the sponsor pages are different between the different translations live-demo@… fgdrf

After the add on of the OSGeo Icon on top of the page the whole page is a bit mixed up. The paragraph The OSGeo Foundation should be together at one place in combination with the logo (Icon)

An Update is required for the following languages, because they are different to the origin language:

  • Polish
  • German
  • Spanish and
  • Japanese

In addition the icon alignment in paragraph OSGeo Associate Sponsors seems to be defferent between the languages

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