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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1001 fixed 6.0 Failed to install to hard drive live-demo@… Aborrell

Tried to install the live dvd osgeo 6.0 (md5 chacked), both from dvd and from an usb image. After selecting the language, there is a crash reporting an error from /usr/lib/ubiquity/bin/ubiquity. and then closes the application. I've tried several machines, several languages with no success. The systems had other operating systems installed on it, but I tried with an empty hard disk with no luck. Yet it worked with version 5.5

#1074 fixed 6.5r2 Cartaro Quickstart review: No index documents links live-demo@… jsanchez

There is not 'cartaro' index document links at either to overview or quicktstart.

There should be, a new gruop of 'Geospatial CMS' solutions?

#1076 fixed 6.5r2 Cartaro Quickstart review: text improvements suggestions live-demo@… jsanchez

1.- 'Choose |osgeolive-Other-Start Cartaro| from menu'

Should be: 'Applications | Other | Start Cartaro'

2.- 'Choose Styles on the right side'

Should be better: 'Choose Styles on the right side and click on add'

3.- At the end of point 'Configure Open Layers' and 'add content' issues I miss that user have to click on 'save' buttom.

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