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Results (205 - 207 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#468 fixed doc path on disc does not correspond to svn live-demo@… wildintellect

So the svn path to documentation is trunk/doc with descriptions being in trunk/doc/descriptions. On the built image the path is .../livedvd-docs with the descriptions being in /livedvd-docs/doc/ This is really confusing for someone trying to implement shortcuts to their doc pages which would be expected at /livedvd-docs/descriptions. We should make the dir structure of svn and the final disc match to avoid issues.

On 2.0 Final this affected Mapserver, Geonetwork.desktop and Mapnik Intro icons.

#884 fixed Doc quickstart.html and test.html aren't referenced in any document live-demo@… fgdrf

Do we still need this documents?

  • Could somebody please explain what the test.rst file is for? NOTE : Within the Makefile is a target for. What is this for?
  • the quickstart.rst files in the quickstart folder isn't referenced from any other page. What is this for, could it be that it was initial created by the sphinx project setup.

The final question is : Can we remove this pages and cleanup the Makefile as well?

#1418 fixed docs: Download links inconsistant between translations kalxas darkblueb

Links for downloads are inconsistent between language versions

also on manual inspection :

    <script type="text/javascript">
        URL_ROOT:    '../',
        VERSION:     '8.0
        COLLAPSE_INDEX: false,
        FILE_SUFFIX: '.html',
        HAS_SOURCE:  true
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