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Results (163 - 165 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#429 wontfix Create a rsync system to sync local VMs with a master live-demo@… camerons

As we have a number of people collaborating in the building of the Virtual Machine, and as Virtual Machines are very large and slow and costly to download, we need a way that people can synchronise with the latest image without download 3 meg of data.

I propose that we set up the following:

  • Mount the GISVM somewhere, probably on (Ricardo has some other ideas for hosting locations which I can't put my finger on as I type this).
  • Set up a configured rsync client inside GISVM image, probably using Unison, This will provide read only access to the master Virtual Machine. This will allow everyone to sync their local images with the latest.
  • Set up the master GISVM image with read only access for most people, maybe through an anonymous password or similar.
  • Set up write access to the GISVM image to the core GISVM team, probably only one or 2 people, who will be responsible for running people's scripts, and then uploaded the changed image back onto the master image.
  • Periodically, this master image will be copied into a specific release with a version number.
#1620 fixed Create a Travis continuous integration script for documentation cvvergara kalxas

Since the documents are now hosted under git (and mirrored on GitHub) we can take advantage of the Travis continuous integration capabilities and catch any build errors before merging new code.

#1449 fixed Create Cesium docs (Overview & Quickstart) live-demo@… kalxas
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