Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (160 - 162 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1893 fixed create 10.5 ppa kalxas kalxas

action item for release

#796 wontfix Create a larger maptiler screenshot image for overview page live-demo@… camerons

The maptiler Project Overview is not consistent with our standard, in that it doesn't include a 1024x768 (or 800x600) image. There is very nice, but small image which is being used for the logo.

This is particularly an issue when we try to create derivative works, such as our osgeo-live presentation which makes use of the larger image.

Can we please make sure that such an image is created and then included into the Project Overview.

#1275 wontfix Create a Marble 1.7 backport for the latest OSGeo LiveDVD live-demo@… tackat
  • The most easy port is the Marble-Qt port which provides all features. This could be used as a base:

  • all languages should be packaged. For the Qt-Only version this requires special treatment to get the .qm files generated and packaged
  • gps support should be included
  • Ideally it would be nice if Marble's shapelib support would get enabled. This requires to set the LIBSHP_INCLUDE_DIR with cmake so that Marble will find the shapelib.
  • Integrating Quazip support in addition would provide support for .kmz files (without that Marble can only display uncompressed kml files).
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