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Results (124 - 126 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1698 fixed Change OSM featured city to Bonn for FOSS4G live-demo@… kalxas

We need to switch the featured city for the next release.

#1090 fixed check persistence space left on 6.5 mini usb install live-demo@… hamish


before release we need to quickly check how much persistence space is left when the mini iso is installed to a 4gb USB stick. Less than 200mb gets ugly.


#1050 fixed check SEXTANTE Help screens live-demo@… darkblueb

in both gvSIG and openJUMP, the SEXTANTE plugin's Help system shows algorithms in section II, but no introductory slides in section I.

Perhaps this is just the state of affairs, but it is unexpected. This ticket is a reminder to verfiy with someone that this is somehow ok.

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