Custom Query (1118 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1050 fixed check SEXTANTE Help screens live-demo@… darkblueb

in both gvSIG and openJUMP, the SEXTANTE plugin's Help system shows algorithms in section II, but no introductory slides in section I.

Perhaps this is just the state of affairs, but it is unexpected. This ticket is a reminder to verfiy with someone that this is somehow ok.

#1779 invalid Checksum mismatch on sourceforge (VM image) live-demo@… neteler

Surprisingly this doesn't match today:

md5sum osgeo-live-10.0-vm.7z.md5
ef47f6036e83c11054b5d5bb8dfd95d1  osgeo-live-10.0-vm.7z.md5

md5sum osgeo-live-10.0-vm.7z
cd356ebd353c2935ba0a298a784040c8  osgeo-live-10.0-vm.7z

I downloaded from here:

#988 fixed chroot build method: autologin failure due to rasdaman kalxas kalxas

This issue happens when build_chroot script is used with live session username set to "user". The created iso refuses to autologin. This has been tracked with debug script so far and limited down to 3 packages (liblas, rasdaman and mb-system). When initrd modifications are not used this issue is not present.

Proposed solutions:

  1. Create the iso first without initrd customization and then use the created image file to run a second customization.
  2. Keep building with debug chroot scripts until we track down the package causing this.

Any other ideas I am missing?

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