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Results (88 - 90 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#945 fixed Blueman-applet crashes on desktop load kalxas wildintellect

The bluetooth applet blueman is crashing when the desktop starts up. It creates a crash report which makes us look bad, we should figure out how to remove the blueman-applet from the toolbar.

The remove

apt-get remove blueman
#2074 fixed blue screen xorg error: problems when starting Lubuntu 18.4. or OSGeoLive 12 alpha1 with virtual box osgeolive@… astrid_emde

when you run OSGeoLive builds with virtual box (without installation) it can happen, that you get stuck in a blue screen. Then it can help to type Right Ctrl F1 & Right Ctrl F7. But in some cases this does not help and you can't start OSGeoLive

Steps to reproduce

  • Download
  • create a virtual machine with virtual box (Linux/Ubuntu64 bit)
  • start and choose the iso
  • choose the language
  • can see the screen Lubuntu 18.4
  • but then the blue screen shows up and nothing else happens
#863 wontfix bootable USB creation issues kalxas kalxas

We got 2 reports on this issue from mailing list:

On 18/02/12 07:55, live-demo-request@… wrote:

Hi all,

I'm experiencing some issues to boot my OsgeoLive 5.0 USB flashdisk. Following all step provided by the link and all the steps have been achieved successfully. But when I Boot the computer with the USB flash drive nothing happen a get black screen with a flashing cursor.

I'm getting the same problem with 5.5. I've got the mini-5.5-beta4 iso downloaded and checked the md5 sum. I've followed those same instructions (running the Startup Disk Creator from within OSGeoLive 4.5 running from CD), and it seemed to go fine, apart from getting really slow round about 94%. But it said it had finished successfully.

Two different computers refuse to boot from this stick, one offers a blank screen with "boot:" which refuses to do anything (typing "boot" says there's no image called boot, typing enter just hangs it); the other computer just doesn't see it as bootable at all.

Both these computers boot fine from another USB stick (a Debian live image copied to the stick with dd), so it's not the case that they just can't boot from a USB stick. Of course it could just be a hardware problem with the second stick perhaps, but it mounts fine and appears to be intact (I can read the docs, for example). I just can't boot from it to test it out.

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