Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2107 wontfix add two launchers in the Jupyter dir osgeolive@… darkblueb

two icons, each that launch the Browser, similar to the Inspire Resources icon on the desktop now

Icon A is a repeat of the Jupyter launcher, with the jupyter.svg icon

Icon B is About Jupyter, with a link to

#1336 fixed Add ubuntugis repo for easy activation live-demo@… wildintellect

For users of the VM, persistent usb or install we should enable the Ubuntugis-unstable repo so they get updates of core programs. This could be commented out lines in the sources.list.d/

Or a script in the boot sequence that detects if it's a read-only boot and if not copies a sources file into that directory. Worst case we provide instructions on how to active the repo and get updates.

Not getting updates is a downside of the move to the osgeo-live specific repo.

#1992 fixed Add user to vboxsf group to ease mounting of shared folders live-demo@… kthujvu

You can easily share folders between the guest and host system with VirtualBox with automatic mounting. I just tried it in osgeo-live-11.0-vm.vmdk and had no permissions to access the mounted directory. Simply adding the default user to the vboxsf group solves this.

Please add the default user "user" to the group "vboxsf" to ease mounting of shared folders. I see no protentual issues.

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