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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#419 fixed Add all installed application to the menu at the top of the desktop. live-demo@… shansen

It probably would be good to have a separate submenu.

#2183 wontfix Add a quickstart for geospatial data, standards and software osgeolive@… bakaniko

As suggested by flicstar [1], OSGeoLive is currently aimed to people who have a knowledge of GIS. Maybe we can provide content for non GIS people coming to the field.


#1065 wontfix Add "Big Data" to common datasets live-demo@… schpidi

There was some discussion about adding "Big Data" to the common datasets. This ticket is created to track the status for version 7.0.

Known tasks are:

  • Evaluate common datasets particularly with respect to storage size
  • Define Big Data to be added. Suggestion: A hyperspectral dataset of ~60MB (are there any free AVIRIS, Hyperion, CHRIS/PROBA, MODIS datasets for North Carolina where we have a full dataset?)
  • Add an overview for "Big Data" similar to the one for Natural Earth
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