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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#954 duplicate Geomajas fails to startup live-demo@… kalxas

This appeared in build8192.

There is an error in the that JSP is not supported.Geomajas worked fine in beta3. Perhaps it has to do with JAI moved to openjdk folders from udig? Thoughts?

#986 duplicate proposal for english documentation improvements live-demo@… lucadelu

During translation I find something for me strange in English documentation, that I like to fix

  • virtualbox_quickstart.rst
    • On linux do the following -> On Ubuntu do the following
  • osm_dataset_overview.rst
    • but the maps can also be viewed, imported, or edited in many applications such as Quantum GIS, OpenLayers, -> but the data can also be viewed, imported, or edited in many applications such as :doc:qgis_overview, :doc:OpenLayers <openlayers_overview>
    • polyline, and area coverage. -> polyline, area coverage and relations.
  • openjub_overview.rst
    • deegree -> :doc:deegree <deegree_overview>
  • geomoose_overview.rst
    • MapServer and OpenLayers -> :doc:MapServer <mapserver_overview> and :doc:OpenLayers <openlayers_overview>
  • gpsdrive_overview.rst
    • LANDSAT or OpenStreetMap -> LANDSAT or :doc:OpenStreetMap <osm_dataset_overview>
    • :doc:OpenStreetMap <osm_dataset_overview> data stored in a :doc:PostGIS <postgis_overview> database using :doc:Mapnik <mapnik_overview>
  • gpsprune_overview.rst
    • It uses OpenStreetMap imagery -> It uses :doc:OpenStreetMap <osm_dataset_overview> imagery
  • mapproxy_overview.rst
    • for an OpenLayers web client -> for an :doc:OpenLayers <openlayers_overview> web client
    • others in core features
  • metacrs_overview.rst
    • a lot of software after "The sub-projects that make up MetaCRS include:"
  • osgeoearth_overview.rst
  • qgis_overview.rst
    • through integration with GRASS -> through integration with :doc:GRASS <grass_overview>
    • PostgreSQL Database tables -> PostgreSQL/PostGIS Database tables
  • rasdaman_overview.rst
    • A rasdaman driver is a part of the GDAL -> A rasdaman driver is a part of the :doc:GDAL <gdal_overview>
    • a MapServer integration is available in beta -> a :doc:MapServer <mapserver_overview> integration is available in beta
  • viking_overview.rst
    • It works with OpenStreetMap data -> It works with :doc:OpenStreetMap <osm_dataset_overview> data
    • from services such as OpenStreetMap and -> from services such as :doc:OpenStreetMap <osm_dataset_overview> and
  • zoo-project_overview.rst
    • based on the GEOS and OGR Libraries -> based on the :doc:GEOS <geos_overview.html> and :doc:OGR Libraries <gdal_overview>
  • all pages a lot of standard could be linked to appropriate pages
#1069 duplicate saga_gui.desktop is empty live-demo@… adiez

In my osgeo-live-mini-6.5beta2.iso saga_gui.desktop is empty. 0 bytes

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