Custom Query (1118 matches)


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Results (163 - 165 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2326 wontfix OTB Tools in QGIS is not activated osgeolive@… astrid_emde

When you try to activate the OTB toolbox in QGIS an error occurs as the path to otb is not defined

#2328 wontfix Virtualbox guest utils addon not installed in OL14-rc2 osgeolive@… bakaniko

The shared folder feature and the screen size recognition worked well in OSGeoLive 14 beta1 but in RC2 they are not working anymore.

Packages installed in beta1 and absent in RC2

  • virtualboxguest-utils
  • virtualboxguest-x11
  • virtualboxguest-dkms

Does have been removed for space saving ?

I'm an heavy user of this.

#2350 wontfix Email list headers TEST osgeolive@… darkblueb

check and moderate

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