Custom Query (1118 matches)


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Results (154 - 156 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2159 wontfix pySAL deb missing color osgeolive@… darkblueb
%matplotlib inline
from pysal.contrib.viz.color import plot_cmaps 
plot_cmaps('diverging', selected=3)

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-8560e3a65132> in <module>()
     18 # based on class_val and data_type
---> 20 from pysal.contrib.viz.color import color_display_types
     21 from pysal.contrib.viz.color import plot_cmaps as pcmaps

ImportError: No module named pysal.contrib.viz.color

#2169 wontfix zoo-project OTB demo fails osgeolive@… darkblueb

load and execute on build234 with Firefox console open:

XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: http://localhost/zoo-demo/assets/tpl/describe_process_form.mustache
Line Number 1, Column 1:
#2177 wontfix Rasdaman service delays shutdown osgeolive@… darkblueb

using o13 RC3 installed to a boot disk on bare metal; start the machine and boot normally; Using the desktop menu interface, shutdown or reboot.

user: rasdaman System Service: Rasdaman Array Database (stop job)

delay of 30 seconds+; console output is often hidden.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.