Custom Query (1118 matches)


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Results (118 - 120 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1641 wontfix mbm_plot does not work out of the box, tries to run mapproject executable live-demo@… kthujvu

Earlier today I helped someone getting mbm_plot to work.

By default mbm_plot tried to find the executable "mapproject" which does not exist. We changed the call in mbm_plot to use "gmt mapproject" instead. It worked fine then.

#1670 wontfix PostGIS not available in TileMill bakaniko

When following the TileMill quickstart, first you create a project, then you load data from the PostGIS DB.

Which you can't since it is greyed !

Looking to use gdal and Mapnik, i found the reason: TileMill needs the mapnik-input-plugin-postgis to communicate with the DB. If you install the package, you can use the PostGIS tab in TileMill.

I didn't finish the quickstart since i found a way around.

But I recommend to had those package in OSGeo-Live 10.0: mapnik-input-plugin-postgis mapnik-input-plugin-ogr mapnik-input-plugin-gdal mapnik-input-plugin-osm mapnik-input-plugin-sqlite

They are around 200 kB each.

#1723 wontfix TileMill reported not to be working with Mapnik 3.x live-demo@… kalxas

Several discussions happened during OSGeo Code Sprint Paris for this issue.

There was a suggestion to retire TileMill and move to a replacement called kosmtik

Any thoughts?

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