Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1275 wontfix Create a Marble 1.7 backport for the latest OSGeo LiveDVD live-demo@… tackat
  • The most easy port is the Marble-Qt port which provides all features. This could be used as a base:

  • all languages should be packaged. For the Qt-Only version this requires special treatment to get the .qm files generated and packaged
  • gps support should be included
  • Ideally it would be nice if Marble's shapelib support would get enabled. This requires to set the LIBSHP_INCLUDE_DIR with cmake so that Marble will find the shapelib.
  • Integrating Quazip support in addition would provide support for .kmz files (without that Marble can only display uncompressed kml files).
#1285 wontfix python Iris live-demo@… darkblueb

the (extensive) Iris library is currently at 1.40; there are compatibility questions about Iris and matplotlib, and the rest of the SciPy stack.

#1297 wontfix Three GDALs live-demo@… darkblueb

not so great.. Since it is probably not practical to change now, this ticket gets a low rating..

user@live-79a-042:~/gisvm/bin$ psql pkgs1 
psql (9.3.2)
Type "help" for help.

pkgs1=# select * from raw_parse where pkg_name ~ 'gdal' order by pkg_name, action;

    script_name    | action |    pkg_name    
 install_grass     | NEW    | gdal-bin
 install_osm       | EXTRA  | libgdal1-1.7.0
 install_osm       | NEW    | libgdal1-1.7.0
 install_R         | NEW    | libgdal1-dev
 install_eoxserver | NEW    | libgdal1-dev
 install_rasdaman  | NEW    | libgdal1-dev
 install_rasdaman  | REMOVE | libgdal1-dev
 install_eoxserver | REMOVE | libgdal1-dev
 install_R         | REMOVE | libgdal1-dev
 install_postgis   | EXTRA  | libgdal1h
 install_postgis   | NEW    | libgdal1h
 install_rasdaman  | EXTRA  | libgdal-dev
 install_R         | EXTRA  | libgdal-dev
 install_eoxserver | EXTRA  | libgdal-dev
 install_rasdaman  | NEW    | libgdal-dev
 install_eoxserver | NEW    | libgdal-dev
 install_R         | NEW    | libgdal-dev
 install_eoxserver | REMOVE | libgdal-dev
 install_R         | REMOVE | libgdal-dev
 install_rasdaman  | REMOVE | libgdal-dev
 install_cartaro   | NEW    | php5-gdal
 install_grass     | NEW    | python-gdal
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