Custom Query (1137 matches)
Results (7 - 9 of 1137)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#544 | worksforme | Order of documentation seems random | ||
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In the generated docs the "Contents" are listed in a really bizarre order that doesn't really make any sense. Looking at the install script it is based on whatever the order in browser:/install_list.txt has. If we want to group based on type of application or some other method I think the script should insert section headers <h2> tags between groups and we should create a sub-navigation at the top. Otherwise is there a way to sort this list so it is at least in alphabetical order. Each Group should be alphabetized anyways. |
#689 | worksforme | NaturalEarth Character Encodings | ||
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the NaturalEarth dataset is supplied as .shp files in Windows 1252 encoding a close ISO standard is It is desirable to simply hold all tables in postgres as Unicode UTF-8 Currently, the custom version of the NaturalEarth data set we use does a pretty good job of passing through character encodings.. but on inspection of Vietnamese and Slovenian Admin1 (state) names, there are some problem characters.. How well these characters are represented in other environments, from the .shp files, remains to be seen. |
#740 | worksforme | WFS from GeoServer failed | ||
Description |
Trying to use the lastest OSGeoLive DVD 5.0 alpha I get strange behavior when trying to access the GeoServer WFS from the admin interface, the following message is displayed: Oops, something went wrong... Sorry, something unexpected happened on the server. Here's an error report you can include in a JIRA bug report about this issue: org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Can't instantiate page using constructor public org.geoserver.wfs.web.WFSAdminPage() at org.apache.wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory.createPage( I was able to use it this way before, but now it seems that something is wrong. If I forget to do anything please let me know. |