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Results (76 - 78 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1056 wontfix GeoServer quickstart and Natural Earth 2 live-demo@… kalxas

There is some permission problem, I was not able to load the Natural Earth shp folder as shown in GeoServer quickstart.

#1065 wontfix Add "Big Data" to common datasets live-demo@… schpidi

There was some discussion about adding "Big Data" to the common datasets. This ticket is created to track the status for version 7.0.

Known tasks are:

  • Evaluate common datasets particularly with respect to storage size
  • Define Big Data to be added. Suggestion: A hyperspectral dataset of ~60MB (are there any free AVIRIS, Hyperion, CHRIS/PROBA, MODIS datasets for North Carolina where we have a full dataset?)
  • Add an overview for "Big Data" similar to the one for Natural Earth
#1072 wontfix Remove QGIS guide docs live-demo@… camerons

QGIS currently includes the docs "A Gentle Introduction to GIS" and the "QGIS User Guide" on OSGeo-Live.

I propose to remove them locally, and reference the current version on the web instead.

My reasons are:

  • We should only provide the docs which are specific to OSGeo-Live, and fit with OSGeo-Live templates, such that we maintain a consistent look and feel.
  • Readers will typically go to the web anyway in order to get the most recent versions of these docs.
  • This will reduce the number of files we need to think about maintaining and keeping up to date.
  • We should be looking out for ways to save space (although the space saving from docs will be minimal)

I've removed reference to these docs from the QGIS Quickstart.

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