Custom Query (1132 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 1132)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1036 wontfix Mapbender3 not installed properly live-demo@… kalxas

The installation was not completed in alpha4 Need to review the script.

message: /tmp/ 100: /tmp/ ./ Permission denied

#1049 wontfix liblas specifies libboost version live-demo@… darkblueb

install_liblas specifies libboost 1.46, but time has passed, and some other project appears to use 1.49 for something.. It would save some space for there to be only one libboost version.. has to be looked at carefully ...

#1052 wontfix i3geo app documentation link - broken live-demo@… darkblueb

in the i3geo app, the last menu on the right

Ajuda -> Doc. dos Codigos

is a link http://localhost/i3geo/documentacao/index.html

/var/www/i3geo/documentacao/ does exist, but there is no index.html inside

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