Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#870 wontfix Updated the fdo packages live-demo@… leonardoc

Hello, On the latest Live DVD there's a script to install mapguide that you can find on gisvm/bin/ The script downloads the fdo packages that are asking as a dependency a odbcinst1debian1 pkg but the live dvd is based on ubuntu 11 and the only package available is odbcinst1debian2.

There's a need to rebuild the fdo packages for ubuntu 11 environment.

#911 wontfix bootloader install failed on install to hard drive live-demo@… mattjs

"Booloader install failed" cannot be resolved or overridden by either:

  • "Choosing a different device to install the bootloader on:" if it fails one cannot --force the grub-install which works from terminal under regular Ubuntu Desktop OS) or ignore and "Cancel the installation." which doesn't work and simply retuns to the dialog box to prompt again.

Fortunately this appears to occur, as it should, after installing everything to disk so killing the processes/OS at this point leads to recovery (for me). [In my case, although this doesnt effect any of the above, I dual-boot to phys disk install using NeoSmart EasyBCD autogrub (aka wingrub of old) and virtual boot in VMware using the phys disk install and a supergurb disk. I intall in VMware using phys disk aloowing access to the swap and root partitions only and in line with the above always install grub? to the partition itself e.g. /dev/sda4 swap and /dev/sda5 or sda6 say (Ubuntu or OSGeoLive). Writes to partition table/mbr always fail and never trash my Windows install. Writes to sda5 and sda6 with grub-install --force work and AutoNeoGrub(wingrub) for phys boot and super_grub_disk for virtual boot then do the rest! :-)]

#969 wontfix Ushahidi port to PostgreSQL live-demo@… hamish


just looking through the 6.0 beta6 build logs. this looked broken:
.. MySQL admin name is <debian-sys-maint>. (see /etc/mysql/debian.cnf)
ERROR 1045 (28000) at line 3: Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' (using password: YES)


tar: A lone zero block at 17095
ERROR 1044 (42000) at line 2: Access denied for user 'user'@'localhost' to database 'ushahidi'


thanks, Hamish

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