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Results (55 - 57 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#626 wontfix unclutter desktop hamish hamish

todo for 4.5: make a "Demos" folder on the desktop and move all geo apps folders into there.


#629 wontfix osgearth script improvements live-demo@… hamish


while testing the packages I've come up with a few comments/improvements which would be nice for the Osgearth installer script:

  • mention in the quickstart that it might not like running in VMs (OpenGL req'd)
  • and that a network connection is needed for WMS and OSM overlays to work
  • add a desktop link to the simple Blue Marble example, then it can be in the menu and get a bit more exposure.

thanks, Hamish

#688 wontfix Move tmp files to a subdir of tmp kalxas wildintellect

I'd like to propose that we put all tmp file in a subdir of /tmp. Something like osgeolive

The reason is that if we implement this I can actually mount a second virtual machine disk to /tmp/osgeolive and store all the downloaded files independent of any build. I could do it that way now, but I'd also get all the other junk that's in the tmp.

That means it will take less time to compress the builds for release, there is no need to copy the cached files on and off each build, and the build can work with or without the pre-cached files.

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