Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (25 - 27 of 1137)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#452 fixed tilelite prompts user when run a 2nd time springmeyer camerons

If the /tmp/ directory has already been populated (as happens when you run a script for the second time), the tilelite script will ask for the user to confirm to replace files or not.

This shouldn't happen as we wish to make the install process as automated as possible.

#455 fixed Geonetwork Launch Fails live-demo@… wildintellect

Geonetwork startup scripts rely on relative paths, the launcher on the desktop fails to get the user into the correct starting path. Also requires sudo command which is easy to fix by prepending, the sudo password:

echo user | sudo -S ./
#456 fixed Deegree Launchers Fail live-demo@… wildintellect

Similar to Geonetwork degree fails to launch, primarily due to permissions which is solved by:

echo user | sudo -S /usr/bin/

This works great from the command line but does not seem to execute from the launcher.

Does not appear to be execute permission on the launchers. NOTE:Firefox threw an error if it was already open and deegree was started. In one case an error message saying I had to wait for the current firefox to close and in the other case it opens a new tab but fails to load with a can't find page. Even though when you go to the location and hit enter it loads fine.

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