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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#442 fixed Resolve java and servlet container versions live-demo@… camerons

Ideally we should only have one Java version on the LiveDVD. This is because:

  • The VM is RAM constrained (to 512Meg) and Java is RAM intensive.
  • Users are expected to open up one application after another, often not closing the prior applications. This will use up RAM, and once RAM is exceeded the machine will slow to the point of being unusable.
  • Also a somewhat important is to conserve space on the LiveDVD.

So we need to update the install_scripts to take this into account. As per this email thread , it seems that:

deegree is happy with either sun-java5 (preferred) or sun-java-6, GeoServer runs under sun-java-5 or sun-java-6 (preferred), gvsig runs under sun-java-5 only.

We should:

  • move: to
  • Update to install sun java 5
  • Update so that it doesn't install tomcat any more.
  • Ensure OpenJDK is not installed as nobody seems to be using it
#443 fixed Desktop appearance live-demo@… jsanz

I suppose this topic will araise sooner or later, so I start it.

  • The icons on the desktop should be rearranged to group them by project
  • The wallpaper could be changed to fit OSGeo branding, using the xfce theme "xfce-saltlake" I think the desktop looks good (maybe there are out there better "greenish" xfce themes, I've used one of the installed themes).

I've attached an screenshot of alpha5 with these two little changes

#444 fixed Default resolution is way to big. live-demo@… wildintellect

Not sure if it was intentional but a resolution of 2000+x? was way to big. If we want to ensure the VM is viewable to most people 1024x768 is recommended.

Not sure how this is set in the VM(by hand?), as for the DVD, we should make sure to put it in the grub entry so the default is set there. Obviously if someone has a larger screen they can bump it up, but the majority of the world runs 1024x768.

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