Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (196 - 198 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#946 fixed doc/index.html not redirecting to doc/en/index.html camerons camerons

This means that http://localhost comes up with a blank page (with just headings), when we want to land on our main page (in localhost/en/index.html)

This seems to be due to some fancy code that Frank Gasdorf has introduced, which I think is supposed to redirect to the correct language, based upon browser defaults, but for some reason doesn't seem to be working with my Firefox browser.

#948 fixed Mapbender installation script asks for DB password. live-demo@… kalxas

This causes the installation to pause and wait.

#949 fixed ossim installation script fails kalxas kalxas

We have to use ossim-core for now

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