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Results (166 - 168 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#868 fixed QGIS: Permissions on GRASS LOCATIONS live-demo@… micha

Two GRASS datasets are included: spearfish60 and nc_spm_08. In each the PERMANENT mapset and landsat mapset are not writeable by 'user'. WHile this is OK in GRASS itself (PERMANENT mapset is not necessarily writeable by everyone), It is causing a crash of QGIS with the error:

Cannot get projection
Cannot run module
info= ... permission denied

The three offending directories are each symlinks to /usr/local/share/grass/.... These directories have permissions i.e.:

drwxr-xr-x 4 root users 4096 2012-02-23 00:49 spearfish60

A workaround might be to do in

chown -R $USER_NAME.$USER_NAME "/usr/local/share/grass/nc_spm_08"
chown -R $USER_NAME.$USER_NAME "/usr/local/share/grass/spearfish60"

I suppose the problem is in the QGIS GRASS plugin. The above is not ideal but it avoids the error and crash when loading layers from the PERMANENT mapset.

#871 fixed Mapbender cannot load a local WMS from GeoServer live-demo@… kalxas

I use the admin_en interface as suggested from Quickstart. When I add GeoServer's GetCapabilities url, there is an error. Works with Mapserver WMS. Also works with WMS examples from Quickstart.

#873 fixed harmonize OSGeo-Contact Information fgdrf fgdrf

Right now, if the contact changes all rst documents have to be updated separately. As a result the documentation is not consistent.

Solution would be an additional osgeo_contact.rst site within the doc folder. This document should be included in the sponsors_osgeo.rst with the following directive:

.. include :: ../osgeo_contact.rst

I would suggest to replace the Email and Phone phrase by little images because it's not necessary to translate these.

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