Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (151 - 153 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#788 fixed 5.0 rc5 hand fixes to make release wildintellect wildintellect

This is just to document the fixes we made after building 5rc5. We made a script to do it and committed all needed resources to svn. Procedure:

  • svn up ~/gisvm on a VM (not a copy of iso)
  • download this script to gismv/bin
  • run this script
  • redo VM packaging and iso building
#793 fixed Move documentation translations to Transifex cvvergara hamish


if the translators can provide the words, I thought it might be nice to translate the Geospatial menu (Web Services etc) and desktop icons into the various languages.

if trac can handle the chars, post the the word list as a comment to this ticket; if that's problematic, post them as an attachment to this ticket.

thanks, Hamish

#794 fixed update mapfish logo to say "OSGeo Project" live-demo@… camerons

On 31 August, the Mapfish project completed incubation, so we should update the Project Overview accordingly. (In needs the icon "Project in Incubation" changed to "Incubated Project").

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