Custom Query (1137 matches)
Results (148 - 150 of 1137)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#785 | fixed | admin geoserver leads to a 404 not found page. | ||
Description |
Hi, the "Admin Geoserver" link points to "http://localhost:8082/geoserver/" but that leads to a 404 not found page. ("powered by jetty") "Start Geoserver" seems working ok, and you can log in as admin and do things. can we just remove the "admin geoserver" from the menu? Hamish |
#786 | fixed | Increase recommended RAM to greater than 512Meg | ||
Description |
Some of the java web services, such as GeoServer, crash when loaded up in a system with only 512 Meg of RAM. The issue is running Java, Tomcat, the application and Firefox, which leads to more than 512 Meg of RAM being used. As a result, we need to update the following docs:
Recommended RAM will probably be 768 RAM. (To be confirmed with testing) |
#787 | fixed | Mapfish shows pink 'not found' layer | ||
Description |
LiveRC5 Geospatial -> Browser Clients -> Mapfish demo opens but openlayers map has a 'not found' layer |