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Results (70 - 72 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#617 fixed improve content.html build logic live-demo@… hamish


OpenJUMP's overview page fails to link from the content.html summary because there is no project_description.html file. Instead it goes to the homepage link from the project_definition.html file.

perhaps the solution is to edit the definition.html file to use doc/project_overview.html


#619 fixed Live HD Install refers to Arramagong live-demo@… darkblueb

when using the LiveDVD to install a system on a hard disk, the install process refers to Arramagong Live in at least two places

#620 fixed MapGuide menu locations, shortcut, passwords.txt file live-demo@… jbirch

Just finished some basic testing of the MapGuide component of the OSGeo Live DVD 4 RC6. Looking great so far!

Not sure if it's too late, but there are a few minor items that I'd love to see changed if possible:

  • MapGuide and MapGuide Maestro are registered under the "Browser Clients" category. I really think they would be more appropriate under "Web Services".
  • It would be good if there was an entry for the MapGuide administrator username/password in the passwords.txt file (Administrator/admin)

None of these are critical, but I think the first is likely confusing to new users.

I would be happy to make these changes myself, but have no idea how the dvd is built, what I'd have to change.

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