Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#543 fixed Reduce the footprint of the image live-demo@… wildintellect

Hamish has indicated that a target of 3.2GB image may work better for usb sticks of 4 GB, partly to leave adequate space for users to save their own data. Calculating a 2x compression factor that means we would need to trim 500-600 MB from the current virtual machine to reach that goal. I think targeting 4.0 release for this feature would be good. This may coincide with simplification of the example datasets into one common pool and reducing size of some samples like the postgres medford database.

#569 fixed GeoKettle installed properly? live-demo@… tmitchell

Hi I went through a geokettle tutorial using the livedvd but found that the geospatial types/transformers didn't seem to be loaded correctly by default. Not sure if anyone can help with this, or if it's normal, but thought I'd mention it at least since it was a showstopper for the tutorial at least.

#599 fixed Synaptic GUI Fails alfonx darkblueb

opening the synaptic package manager on a modified 4a4 VM in VirtualBox " An Error Occurred: E: Problem pasring dependancy Recommends E: Error occurred while processing geopublishing-doc (NewVersion1) E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ de.geopublishing.org_repository_dists_lucid_main_binary-i386_Packages E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. E: _cache->open() failed. please report

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