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Results (55 - 57 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#520 fixed postgis install script triggers "obsolete major version 8.3" message live-demo@… camerons

In building the 3.0-alpha3 version of the liveDVD, I'm getting the following query come up (which requires acknowledgement). It comes up in the script.

How do you suggest this should be handled? Should we be updating the LiveDVD install script for Postgres to a later version? Could I tempt you to update the LiveDVD install script? (current version is r2716)

Issue 1: Should we upgrade to a later version of posgres? Issue 2: Please ensure the user is not prompted for a response during the build process and we wish this to be automated.

Package configuration

 â"Oâ"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"¤ Configuring pos
tgresql-common â"oâ"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"?â"
 â"'                                                                        â"'
 â"' Obsolete major version 8.3                                             â┼'
 â"'                                                                        â-®
 â"' The PostgreSQL version 8.3 is obsolete, but the server or client       â-'
 â"' packages are still installed. Please install the latest packages       â-'
 â"' (postgresql-8.4 and postgresql-client-8.4) and upgrade the existing    â-'
 â"' clusters with pg_upgradecluster (see manpage).                         â-'
 â"'                                                                        â-'
 â"' Please be aware that the installation of postgresql-8.4 will           â-'
 â"' automatically create a default cluster 8.4/main. If you want to        â-'
 â"' upgrade the 8.3/main cluster, you need to remove the already existing  â-'
 â"' 8.4 cluster (pg_dropcluster --stop 8.4 main, see manpage for           â-'
 â"' details).                                                              â-'
 â"'                                                                        â-'
 â"' The old server and client packages are no longer supported. After the  â┼"
 â"'                                 <Ok>
#524 fixed consistent /tmp/ build dir live-demo@… hamish


as per all install_*.sh scripts should use a consistent /tmp/ dir, ie /tmp/build_<packagename> where packagename comes from install_<packagename>.sh.


#525 fixed pgrouting data import off live-demo@… wildintellect

pgrouting seems to build ok but the data import doesn't work out, for some reason the make install isn't putting the pgrouting .sql files into /usr/share/postlbs. Log is attached to ticket.

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