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Results (52 - 54 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#498 fixed Click2try apt sources are not updated live-demo@… springmeyer

'jaunty-updates' needs to be added to '/etc/apt/sources.list' on the click2try image.

Otherwise packages which were available on the livedemo final iso will not be the same on the click2try image and many potential installation failures will occur.

This was noticed because the machine runs python 2.6 by default and the 'python-mapnik 0.5.1-3ubuntu2.0' only provides mapnik bindings for python2.5 while the '0.5.1-3ubuntu2.1' (only available from jaunty-updates) provides bindings for both python2.5 and python2.6.

Doing this should fix the problem:

# add to /etc/apt/sources.list
deb jaunty-updates main restricted universe
# then run:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
#499 fixed Updated GeoNetwork install scripts to be tested live-demo@… ticheler

I updated the GeoNetwork install scripts in the hope they resolve the startup problems that existed. I have also updated the software to the latest version 2.4.2. The scripts need testing by someone.

#519 fixed livedvd: new way to set desktop background live-demo@… hamish


our script uses the xfconf-query program to set the xfce desktop background. The new version of this in ub9.10 wants to see a X server running(?), so we'll have to find another way.

** (process:18477): CRITICAL **: Failed to init libxfconf:
 /bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following error:
 Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.


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