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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#460 fixed Compressing the vmdk live-demo@… wildintellect

So when we moved to remastersys for the building the iso we missed the part about ln 62 in

cat /dev/zero > zero.fill ; sync ; sleep 1 ; sync ; rm -f zero.fill

This is run to help compress the vmdk image. However the iso generation is run after this currently. Which means the vmdk will contain the iso and it's tmp files.

2 options, shutdown, shrink and package the vm before iso generation OR run a cleanup after remastersys and the upload of the iso.

Something like

sudo remsatersys clean
cat /dev/zero > zero.fill ; sync ; sleep 1 ; sync ; rm -f zero.fill
#rm tmp, etc

Then shutdown, compress and provide the vm.

#461 fixed remove old dev ISOs to free up disk space wildintellect hamish


livedvd/ now consumes more than 40gb on the download server.

There is less than 8gb left on the disk.

Which old/no longer relevant alpha and beta .isos can be removed?

thanks, Hamish

#462 fixed cpuload and terminal to taskbar live-demo@… hamish

no solution yet, but so what has been learned so far isn't for forgotten..

on the taskbar it would be nice to add a Terminal button next to the firefox one, and a cpu load one on the right by the clock.

if you add them by hand you can make a template, maybe set the cpuload BG color to matching grey, then foreground to dark green.

look in ~/.config/xfce4/panel/launcher-$RAND.rc and cpuload-...rc for to copy in. Also we would need to make a before and after diff of the panel.xml file then patch it in.

tricky bit there is that the .config dir prob doesn't exist until the user starts XFce for the first time. So some if [ grep -c cpuload panel.xml -gt 0 ] ; test in .bash_profile ? ... mmmph yuk


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