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Results (130 - 132 of 1132)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#870 wontfix Updated the fdo packages live-demo@… leonardoc

Hello, On the latest Live DVD there's a script to install mapguide that you can find on gisvm/bin/ The script downloads the fdo packages that are asking as a dependency a odbcinst1debian1 pkg but the live dvd is based on ubuntu 11 and the only package available is odbcinst1debian2.

There's a need to rebuild the fdo packages for ubuntu 11 environment.

#1640 fixed MB-System library should be added in gmt.conf live-demo@… kthujvu

Earlier today I helped someone getting mbm_plot to work. One of the missing steps was that his OSGeo Live USB installation lacked the mb library in GMT's config.

Trying to run mbm_plot we ended up with an error about mbcontour not being found. Searching the web I ended up on

"In order for GMT to successfully execute the MB-System modules, the location of the shared library containing these modules must be known to GMT."

To achieve this, we edited GMT_CUSTOM_LIBS in gmt.conf to read:

GMT_CUSTOM_LIBS = /usr/lib/

Afterwards mbcontour worked fine.

#1641 wontfix mbm_plot does not work out of the box, tries to run mapproject executable live-demo@… kthujvu

Earlier today I helped someone getting mbm_plot to work.

By default mbm_plot tried to find the executable "mapproject" which does not exist. We changed the call in mbm_plot to use "gmt mapproject" instead. It worked fine then.

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