Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#569 fixed GeoKettle installed properly? live-demo@… tmitchell

Hi I went through a geokettle tutorial using the livedvd but found that the geospatial types/transformers didn't seem to be loaded correctly by default. Not sure if anyone can help with this, or if it's normal, but thought I'd mention it at least since it was a showstopper for the tutorial at least.

#499 fixed Updated GeoNetwork install scripts to be tested live-demo@… ticheler

I updated the GeoNetwork install scripts in the hope they resolve the startup problems that existed. I have also updated the software to the latest version 2.4.2. The scripts need testing by someone.

#975 fixed Update links and contents for Ubuntu version in osgeo_quickstart.rst live-demo@… thomasg

Outdated content concerning version for Ubuntu guides in osgeo_quickstart.rst. A link to local PDF send you to 11.10 version guide Retrieve updated PDF and change link

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