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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#721 fixed add pycsw to LiveDVD camerons tomkralidis


FYI pycsw is an optional install at this point.

Angelos has committed the install script in r6133 (pycsw 0.1.0).

As discussed, I will create overview and quickstart .rst files.

#852 fixed Open GeoSpatial Consortium should be Open Geospatial Consortium live-demo@… tomkralidis

Patch attached.

#1968 invalid GeoNode pycsw endpoint version mismatch live-demo@… tomkralidis

On OSGeo-Live 10.5, the GeoNode (2.4) pycsw endpoint returns exception, blocking uploading of layers.

The root cause is that the pycsw standalone install (2.0.2) is incompatible with GeoNode 2.4, which requires pycsw 1.10.3. It looks like pycsw 2.0.2 is installed as part of the system and pycsw 1.10.3 is not. Reverting to pycsw 1.10.3 on the system solves the issue.

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