Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (172 - 174 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1899 wontfix Jupyter Notebook is selectable within the OSGeo-Live menu live-demo@… camerons

Jupyter Notebook is selectable within the OSGeo-Live menu, but the Project Overview and Quickstart are not included in

The Jupyter Notebook quickstart should be reviewed and then incorporated.

#1900 wontfix Java World Wind multiple layers not found live-demo@… camerons

Selecting Geospatial -> Navigation and Maps -> World Wind Java The application that loads up has multiple layers selected, many of which don't seem to be accessible (visible). Only layers which are accessible should be included. Ideally at least one layer from OSGeo-Live should be available, such that it can be used when offline. Not visible:

  • Stars
  • NASA Blue Marble
  • Blue Marble May 2004
  • i-cubed Landsat
  • World Map


I haven't tested the rest

#1901 wontfix Java World Wind Quickstart is substandard live-demo@… camerons

The Java World Wind quickstart is sub standard and is not following OSGeo-Live template guidelines. As a start, the quickstart:

  • Should describe how to start quickstart from menu selection rather than command line
  • Should have a Table of Contents
  • Should follow the order of the OSGeo-Live quickstart guidelines
  • Should include screen shots
  • Lots more - check the writing guidelines
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