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Results (166 - 168 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1618 fixed Add "Metrics" tab to OSGeo-Live docs main toolbar live-demo@… camerons

We will make the metrics page more visible by including it in the main OSGeo-Live toolbar at

#1619 fixed Untranslated pages should point to English pages by default live-demo@… camerons

During the documentation build process, pages which have not been translated yet should point to the English version of the pages. (This used to be the case in prior OSGeo doc builds, it seems to have been broken in the mean time).

I picked up this issue from the output of "make html" which was reporting errors such as: ln: failed to create symbolic link 'ca/standards/csw_overview.rst': No such file or directory

#1621 fixed Symbolic links stored in git for Russian translation docs live-demo@… camerons

Some Project Overviews / Quickstarts in the Russian translations are stored as symbolic links to the English equivalent. This is not required, as during the documentation build process, symbolic links are put in place.

This was noticed during the "make clean" command, which deletes symbolic links, and on "git status" you note these Russian docs have been removed from git.

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