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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1085 fixed PostGIS Quickstart review - remove command line description? live-demo@… camerons

I've added the follow review comments into the PostGIS quickstart:

For this quickstart, which targets new users who might not be familiar with databases or SQL, I suggest we drop section describing command line control of Postgres. If we do keep command line information, I suggest it is moved to the end of the quickstart, possibly added into "Things you could try". Instead, I think the Quickstart should cover:

  • Keep Client/Server overview
  • Create a database in pgAdmin
  • Load a dataset, probably from a shapefile
  • Do some SQL queries on the dataset
  • Use QGis to view data from PostGIS (using the existing Natural Earth data). We should be able to keep most of the existing QGis sections
#1087 fixed 52nWSS Quickstart review comments live-demo@… camerons

Review comments here:

The quickstart is actually in good shape, and these comments are relatively minor improvement suggestions.

#1088 fixed spatialite-gis not selectable from the osgeo-live menu live-demo@… camerons

Tested in OSGeo-Live 6.5beta1: Spatialite-gis is not selectable from the database directory on the desktop, or from the geospatial->database-> osgeolive menu.

I believe it should be, as it is currently mentioned in the spatialite quickstart. (A workaround is to comment out of the quickstart).

(Note, we can select spatialite-gis which is probably a more important app)

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