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Results (139 - 141 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1072 wontfix Remove QGIS guide docs live-demo@… camerons

QGIS currently includes the docs "A Gentle Introduction to GIS" and the "QGIS User Guide" on OSGeo-Live.

I propose to remove them locally, and reference the current version on the web instead.

My reasons are:

  • We should only provide the docs which are specific to OSGeo-Live, and fit with OSGeo-Live templates, such that we maintain a consistent look and feel.
  • Readers will typically go to the web anyway in order to get the most recent versions of these docs.
  • This will reduce the number of files we need to think about maintaining and keeping up to date.
  • We should be looking out for ways to save space (although the space saving from docs will be minimal)

I've removed reference to these docs from the QGIS Quickstart.

#1081 fixed QGIS Quickstart review feedback live-demo@… camerons

I've just completed the QGIS Quickstart review and have inserted a number of comments on ways to improve it - mostly along the lines of:

  • It needs more screen shots
  • Can we describe what steps are being done for
  • Pick one pluggin, GRASS or Sextente, and a "sexy" or commonly used algorithm and show why it is used and how to use it.

These comments are embedded in track changes here:

A few errors (inaccuracies) in QGIS Quickstart.

Chapter "Edit QGIS project":

1) Read:

"Check ne_10m_populated_places in the Layers tree"

But in TOC layer name is "ne_10m_populated_places_


2) By default group layer "Water" is active.

Chapter "Using the GRASS Toolbox":

1) Read about NVIZ:

"In the new module tab that pops open, select the elevation map as the map

for elevation." But the layer "elevation" is unavailable in list, because it was not opened in QGIS.

2) NVIZ crashed with the error:

"G_malloc: unable to allocate 240080400 bytes at gsds.c:575

Finished with error"

#1082 fixed spatialite quickstart review comments. live-demo@… camerons

I've inserted a number of review comments into the spatialite quickstart.

Primarily, it requires screen shots, and also explanations about steps that are being performed.

Comments can be seen here:

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