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Results (139 - 141 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#965 fixed Update USB Quickstart wildintellect camerons


We need to remove reference to the windows version of creating a USB, as people have been reporting that it doesn't work.

So the quickstart should only describe one way to create a USB (the best way that we know) which will be based upon Ubuntu linux (and probably should be based upon how to do this with an OSGeo-Live DVD (which we expect the user will have).

It should continue to reference: The wiki can describe other methods of creating a USB.

#966 fixed Update VM Quickstart live-demo@… camerons

We should update our VM Quickstart, which is currently too verbose, and could be made easier to follow.

Current docs are here:

What I suggest is:

  1. Try to ensure that the doc is concise, so there is less to translate. (The current VM that I wrote is too long).
  1. Describe how to set up a VM for only one VM. Our quickstarts should be quick, (and easy to maintain), and shouldn't confuse users by asking them to decide on which VM to use.
  1. I'm open to suggestions re which VM you think you should write to. I'd guess you would select the easiest, or most widely used Open Source VM, but this will probably be your call.
  1. Finish with a link to an OSGeo-Live-VM wiki page. The wiki page can include much more detail, including how to install multiple versions of VMs.
#997 fixed QGIS quickstart requires > 2G RAM live-demo@… camerons

On 18/08/12 20:03, Micha Silver wrote:

Part of the QGIS quickstart includes showing the NVIZ (3D) module in the GRASS plugin. In a VM with < 2GB this module, with the included GRASS data throws a G_malloc error. I added a comment in the quickstart indicating that at least 2GB RAM is needed.

The Quickstart should be changed to only use examples requiring 1GB of RAM, as we note our System Requirements is at least 1 Gig RAM:

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