Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (130 - 132 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#790 duplicate 52N SOS doesn't have a stop icon live-demo@… camerons

52N SOS has a start icon that can be selected, but not a stop. Can a stop be created, such that it will free up memory for other apps to run.

#791 invalid 52N WSS doesn't have a stop icon live-demo@… camerons

52N WSS has a start icon that can be selected, but not a stop. Can a stop be created, such that it will free up memory for other apps to run.

#794 fixed update mapfish logo to say "OSGeo Project" live-demo@… camerons

On 31 August, the Mapfish project completed incubation, so we should update the Project Overview accordingly. (In needs the icon "Project in Incubation" changed to "Incubated Project").

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