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Results (127 - 129 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#780 fixed OSGeoLive Desktop crash live-demo@… camerons

Running osgeo-live 5.0b5 (might be called 5.0), booting the mini iso in a VirtualBox VM:

I think I:

  • Single (maybe double) clicked on the "Help" icon. The help icon was selected.
  • Browser didn't seem to be loading
  • So I single clicked on another icon
  • Then right clicked on "Help" icon to select "Execute"

I got a "Crash" report. And "Problem in xfdesktop4. The problem cannot be reported, this is not a Genuine ubuntu package"

Also, all the desktop icons disappeared.

#781 fixed Help button slow to start up live-demo@… camerons

Running osgeo-live 5.0rc5 (also called 5.0), mini iso run in Virtual Box VM.

Select the "Help" button on the desktop immediately after startup. Right click on button, select execute.

The CPU meter in the task bar shows solid green for 30 secs or so (100% CPU usage?).

Browser opens up at http://localhost/ and stays at that page for 60 secs or so. (This is an empty page, with just headers and footers and no content).

Then the page is redirected (as it should be) to http://localhost/en/index.html

Proposed fix is to have the desktop icon open http://localhost/en/index.html instead of http://localhost

#786 fixed Increase recommended RAM to greater than 512Meg live-demo@… camerons

Some of the java web services, such as GeoServer, crash when loaded up in a system with only 512 Meg of RAM. The issue is running Java, Tomcat, the application and Firefox, which leads to more than 512 Meg of RAM being used.

As a result, we need to update the following docs:

  • download.rst
  • quickstart/virtualbox_quickstart.rst
  • quickstart/osgeolive_quickstart.rst

Recommended RAM will probably be 768 RAM. (To be confirmed with testing)

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