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Results (124 - 126 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#765 fixed tomcat not working on the ISO version, ok on the VM version live-demo@… camerons

I've tried running the rasdaman quickstart, latest version at: I'm using a modified version of osgeo-live5.0rc1 + latest rasdaman script.

Issues found ... From http://localhost:8080/earthlook/demos/time-series/value-retrieval.php :

  • Click on ts_001 and get following error:

Error in executing query:

  • I get similar errors for other links ts_002, ...

From: http://localhost:8080/earthlook/demos/climate/usecase-slicing.php Click on one of the cubes, and nothing seems to happen. There is no user feedback.

#766 fixed /home/user/Desktop/Databases only contains one icon hamish camerons

In osgeolive5.0rc1, the directory /home/user/Desktop/Databases only contains the SpatialLite GUI icon.

I assume it should also contain icons which match the pull down menu structure. Namely, also include:

  • MySQL Administrator
  • gpAdmin III
  • SQLite database browser
  • rasdaman
#771 fixed AtlasStyler does not open from ISO, but seems to work from VM live-demo@… camerons

On 23/08/11 00:35, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:

Hi all,

I have been testing 5.0RC1 for a couple of days. I use a netbook for my tests with 1GB RAM and I use the iso version (loaded into a usb).

The main problems I have seen so far are:


  1. atlasstyler - does not open at all from the launcher (Hamish commented that his copy works ok, perhaps it is an ISO thing...)
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