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Results (118 - 120 of 1118)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#759 fixed starting mapnik on osgeo-live doesn't work live-demo@… camerons

We have a number of issues with mapnik on OSGeo-Live:

I ran the Mapnik quickstart, starting from "Mapnik & Openlayers" heading. Click Desktop -> Spatial Tools -> Start Mapnik & TileLite Then tried opening http://localhost:8000 This URL returns an error, "Unable to connect"

Then, the following URL has changed (quickstart needs to be updated): wrong: http://localhost/mapnik/demo/openlayers.html correct to: http://localhost/mapnik/openlayers.html

And the contents of new page doesn't load (it only gets a title) (probably because http://localhost:8000 didn't load)

#760 fixed Marble crashes when zooming in 17 times live-demo@… camerons

I opened Marble from the OSGeo-Live DVD 5.0rc1, (which is an extension of Xubuntu 10.04)

I then searched for "Sydney" and looked at Sydney successfully. I then pressed the "+" zoom in button 17 times, reasonably quickly. After the 17th time, the application crashed and offered me to send a KDE bug report. (possibly could have been 16 or 18 times).

#764 invalid rasdaman icons not in pull down menu, or in /home/user/Desktop/Databases live-demo@… camerons

I've run the latest successfully inside osgeo-live5.0rc1, (verifying issue #758). However icons are installed into the wrong location.

There are icons:

  • Start Rasdaman
  • Stop Radaman
  • Radaman-Earthlook Demo

These should installed into /home/user/Desktop/Databases

But instead they have been installed into /home/user/Desktop

Also, the icons are not selectable from the pull down menu as they should be from: Geospatial -> Databases -> ... (This is possibly because it needs to be run in another script. Hamish?)

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