Custom Query (1137 matches)
Results (112 - 114 of 1137)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#750 | fixed | ushahidi doesn't connect to DB during quickstart setup | ||
Description |
Running osgeolive5.0b5, I open a clean VM, then open ushahidi application by selecting ushahidi from the pull down menu. I then start following the steps of the quickstart: Choose “Basic Installation”, “Let’s get started”, and it will prompt you for a few details. The database name is “ushahidi”, database user name is “user”, the password is also “user”. The database host is “localhost”. Then continue. I then get the following error: "Oops! We couldn't make a connection to the database server with the credentials given. Please make sure they are correct." |
#751 | fixed | WPS doesn't open on first click | ||
Description |
When you click on the WPS icon for the first time after starting a VM, it opens firefox at the URL http://localhost:8083/wps/test.html (which is good). However, the web service hasn't been started straight away, and consequently the web browser reports that it can't find the URL. When the web page is refreshed after 15 secs or so, the correct web page loads. I suggest that a delay is included before the firefox is loaded. (See geoserver as an example). |
#752 | fixed | 52N WPS example queries an external WPS, causing errors when not connected | ||
Description |
When disconnected from the internet, and following the Quickstart steps by executing the default WPS query installed on OSGeo-Live, I'm finding that I'm getting "Invalid Parameter" values when following the Quickstart steps and sending a request. This might be because I'm not connected to the internet, and were seems to be a dataURL: ... When connected to the internet, this works fine. This breaks our goal of having all applications and demos working without requiring to be connected to the internet. |